More small positives today:
The car is still behaving itself. After something like that gives me trouble, it takes a while for my anxiety to lessen and I can take it for granted that it will continue to work as expected.
Along the same lines, my bike tires were still solid after pumping them up yesterday. And the rain finally stopped allowing me to park on the edge of town and cycle the rest of the way for the first time in a couple of weeks. It was good to get the heart rate up a bit.
We had an online Branch party last week, and this afternoon the admin IM'd me to say I'd won a couple of prizes - a $$ value to be taken as gift certificates to the local business of my choice. This was unexpected and a pleasant surprise.
Back to the "taking for granted" theme, we are raising funds to make up gift baskets for a local charity so I donated my winnings there. We have a roof over our heads and food on the table ... things a lot of people can't take for granted.
You are a good person, Ian! Just now seeing this post. :-)